Rocketship Rhythm

fun things to do daily

with katie's sing along

song lylics

🎡 Beep, bop, here we go,
Rocketship rhythm, watch us glow! 🎡
🎡 Blast off high, into the sky,
With music beats, we’ll fly so high! 🎡

[Verse 1]
🎡 Captain Robo keeps the beat,
With shiny drums beneath his seat. 🎡
🎡 Astronaut Bear plays the star guitar,
Rocking tunes that go so far! 🎡

🎡 Zoom, zoom, rocket groove,
Music makes the spaceship move! 🎡
🎡 Beep, bop, clap along,
Rocketship rhythm, our travel song! 🎡

[Verse 2]
🎡 Alien Bunny sings so loud,
Her voice creates a cosmic crowd. 🎡
🎡 Astro Cat shakes the star tambourine,
A space concert like you’ve never seen! 🎡

🎡 Fly, fly, through the stars,
Playing music near and far. 🎡
🎡 Space beats, loud and clear,
Music travels light-years near! 🎡

[Final Chorus]
🎡 Zoom, zoom, rocket groove,
Music makes the spaceship move! 🎡
🎡 Beep, bop, clap along,
Rocketship rhythm, our travel song! 🎡

🎡 Beep, bop, it’s time to land,
Music makes the galaxy grand! 🎡

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