Jobs Alphabet Song

fun things to do daily

with katie's sing along

song lylics

Verse 1
A is for Artist, painting so bright
B is for Baker, working through the night
C is for Chef, cooking up a treat
D is for Dentist, keeping teeth neat

Verse 2
E is for Engineer, building a train
F is for Farmer, growing food in the rain
G is for Gardener, planting flowers so sweet
H is for Hairdresser, making styles neat

Verse 3
I is for Inventor, with ideas to share
J is for Journalist, writing stories with care
K is for Karate Teacher, strong and fast
L is for Librarian, finding books that last

Verse 4
M is for Musician, playing a song
N is for Nurse, helping all day long
O is for Optometrist, checking your eyes
P is for Pilot, flying through the skies

Verse 5
Q is for Quilt Maker, sewing with pride
R is for Racer, on a fast ride
S is for Scientist, making things new
T is for Teacher, guiding me and you

Verse 6
U is for Uber Driver, taking us near
V is for Veterinarian, for pets we hold dear
W is for Writer, creating a tale
X is for X-ray Tech, checking a scale

Y is for Yacht Captain, steering with care
Z is for Zookeeper, feeding animals rare!

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